What is Mixed Cropping?
*Growing more than one crop at a time in the same field.
*Mixed cropping is the method of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land(field) in the same growing seasons instead of one crop.
~ Mixed cropping also known as:- multiple cropping, inter-cropping, polyculture or co-cultivation.
~ Example of mixed cropping:- Wheat + Gram, Wheat + Mustard, etc.
→ The advantage of mixed cropping is that if the weather conditions are not suitable for one crops, it may be suitable for the others and thus the farmer may get atleast some yield from the same field. From mixed cropping we can get more than one variety of crops.
→ Disadvantage:- Mixed cropping is generally not acceptable because different crops require different amounts of water, land preparation and manure supplies etc. Further, during the harvesting time, the crops get mixed with other, thereby reducing the purity of each other.