World water balance OR World water distribution
Total quantity of water in the world:- 1386 million km³
From the total quantity of water about 96.5% are present in oceans, 1% in form of saline water( salt water lakes ) and Only about 2.5% water is fresh.2.5% Fresh water = 35 million km³
Fresh water Distribution :
fresh water is present in three form :-
1. Polar Ice:- about 68.6% of fresh water (two by third of total fresh water)
2. Ground Water:- about 30.1% of fresh water
3. Lakes and Rivers:- about 0.3% of fresh water
From 35 million km³ fresh water about 10.6 million km³ water in form of liquid and fresh and about 24.4 million km³ water is frozen.
🠇About 0.001% of total water and about 0.1% of water of fresh water is present in atmosphere.
NOTE:- About ¾th of the earth
surface ( about 71% ) is covered with
1. How Much Water is There on Earth?
Ans: 1368 million Kilometres cube (or 1368×10⁶ km³)
2. How much of the water can be found in oceans?
Ans: about 96.5% of water are found on oceans.
3. In which form is water present in the atmosphere?
Ans: Water is present in the form of water vapours in the